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"Maspalomas", previamente registrado como EC-HKK, llegando por la 10 desde MAD en una nublada tarde. Retirado del servicio a principios de año y desde hace escasos 2 meses vuela para Allegiant Air como N221NV. Mfd 08/2000.
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Una ráfaga de último momento puso a este Wilga con el ala contra el piso. Afortunadamente el piloto logró recuperarse rapidamente, aunque no sin algunos daños.
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Quemando ruedas en la 30 con el morro un poco alto.
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[EAA Air venture 2010] About to touch down at Oshkosh as part of the 'Last Time' gathering to mark the 75th anniversary of the DC3. On the background is visible dozens of worldwide renown Oshkosh trucks.
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Another flight over the Air Venture 2010 about to finish as this old bird approaches for landing.
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[EAA Air venture 2010] This is what Air Venture is all about: aircraft and people!
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[EAA Air venture 2010] About to touch down at Oshkosh as part of the 'Last Time' gathering to mark the 75th anniversary of the DC3. On the background another DC-3 taxies to the appron. Also visible dozens of worldwide renown Oshkosh trucks.
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