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©Javier Rodríguez. Haz click para ampliar
 493 vistas


Estados Unidos - Marina
Lockheed S-3A Viking (159391)  
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Palma de Mallorca - Bahía (España) 
27 de mayo de 1996
This ESM S-3 with nose modex 767 from VQ-6 "Black Ravens" was pictured on board CVN-73 George Washington which arrived to the port of Palma on May 25, 1996 and departed on May 31. Tail code AG (CVW-8)
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©Javier Rodríguez. Haz click para ampliar
 1363 vistas


Estados Unidos - Marina
Lockheed S-3A Viking (159391)  
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Palma de Mallorca - Bahía (España) 
4 de junio de 1997
Actually ES-3A Shadow, an aircraft which provides indications and warnings for the Battle Group commander. It belongs to Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron SIX [VQ-6], a squadron with had just eight years of life (1991-1999). This a/c with AJ-767 markings was sent to AMARC 26-MAY-99 and SOC 8-JAN-2003
Seen onboard CV-67 JF Kennedy
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