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Notar que este helicoptero ahora se conoce como MERLIN HM.2 despues de unas mejoras de sus equipos y electronicas.
Abordo del buque anfibio britanico HMS Ocean
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ZA195 (cn 912034/DB.1) First flown on 9th September 1982. FRS.2 prototype from A&AEE Boscombe Down
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The Westland Wessex was a turbine-powered version of the Sikorsky S-58, developed under licence for the Royal Navy and later the RAF. The aircraft was used initially in 1962 as a troop carrier (the HC2), and shortly thereafter as the HAR2 in the search and rescue role. Moreover, two machines were converted to HCC4 standard for VVIP duties with the Queen’s Flight. As a measure of its longevity in service, the Wessex was one of the RAF’s main transport helicopters from 1962 until the final unit, No 84 Squadron, retired its aircraft at RAF Akrotiri in January 2003 a total of some 40 years.
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Nuevo model y registro en AC. Tomada durante las maniobras Open Gate en Gibraltar 1990.
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Para los amantes de la mecánica. Versión de entrenamiento para la Royal Navy.
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Nuevo registro en A/C. Helicoptero procedente de la fragata britanica HMS Portland.
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Nuevo registro en A/C. Helicoptero procedente de la fragata britanica HMS Portland.
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Portaaviones HMS Illustrious (R06)de la clase Invencible atracado en Portsmouth Harbour el cual, creo, será habilitado como museo.
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Nuevo modelo / Registro en AC. Con los colores del No.750 Fleet Air Arm Squadron,.
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Esta foto va dedicada a mi amigo Ricardo.
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Nuevo reg. en AC. Adquirido en 1999 por la fundación del Malta Aviation Museum al Phoenix Aviation Museum Pintado representando al ejemplar codificado como 161 del 804 Squadron durante el periodo de la crisis de Suez.