![©Adolfo Bento - Gran Canaria Spotters. Click to see full size photo ©Adolfo Bento - Gran Canaria Spotters. Click to see full size photo](http://www.aviationcorner.net/public/thumbnails/3/2/thn_avc_00377032.jpg) |
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Sun Express realizando la linea de FRA para Sun Express Germany.
![©Mario Carrasco. Click to see full size photo ©Mario Carrasco. Click to see full size photo](http://www.aviationcorner.net/public/thumbnails/2/9/thn_avc_00377029.jpg) |
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1st of type on AC !
The Desoutter Aircraft Company was formed in December 1928 to manufacture the designs of the Dutch Koolhoven company in particular the Koolhoven F.K.41, which had drawn a lot of attention due to its modern design. The licence was obtained and Desoutter set up a production unit at the former ADC factory at Croydon Aerodrome. The F.K.41 became quite successful and was marketed under the name Dolphin. The name "Dolphin" was later dropped and for a while the aircraft was marketed only under the name "Desoutter". A slightly modified version was later produced and the versions received the suffixes Mk.I and Mk.II.
Desoutter's aircraft became a familiar sight in British flying clubs, where they were used for instruction, pleasure flights and taxi flights.
Still flying today as part of the amazing Shuttleworth Collection !
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Quince días después de tomar mi foto anterior, el A319CJ de la Fuerza Aérea Italiana todavía sigue en mantenimiento por estos lares, ahora nuevamente remolcado hacia zona de prueba de motores. Al menos ya le han colocado la pieza que le faltaba en la deriva.
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Aunque luce la librea de Ceiba Intercontinental, este 767 lo opera el gobierno ecuatoguineano como transporte VIP, de ahí que pueda volar a España con registro de su país, estando éste en la lista negra de la Unión Europea.
![©Guido Piermarini -Argentina Spotters-. Click to see full size photo ©Guido Piermarini -Argentina Spotters-. Click to see full size photo](http://www.aviationcorner.net/public/thumbnails/2/0/thn_avc_00377020.jpg) |
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![©Mario Carrasco. Click to see full size photo ©Mario Carrasco. Click to see full size photo](http://www.aviationcorner.net/public/thumbnails/1/7/thn_avc_00377017.jpg) |
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Vista de la cola de este 707 medicalizado, en Aire75
![©Adolfo Bento - Gran Canaria Spotters. Click to see full size photo ©Adolfo Bento - Gran Canaria Spotters. Click to see full size photo](http://www.aviationcorner.net/public/thumbnails/1/5/thn_avc_00377015.jpg) |
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Traspasado de Lufthansa a la filial low-cost el pasado 27/10/2014.
![©Adolfo Bento - Gran Canaria Spotters. Click to see full size photo ©Adolfo Bento - Gran Canaria Spotters. Click to see full size photo](http://www.aviationcorner.net/public/thumbnails/1/4/thn_avc_00377014.jpg) |
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![©Javier Rodríguez. Click to see full size photo ©Javier Rodríguez. Click to see full size photo](http://www.aviationcorner.net/public/thumbnails/1/2/thn_avc_00377012.jpg) |
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Primer avión de Iberia Express al que se le han instalado los "sharklets". Hoy es un poco "noticia" porque ha hecho un "go around" sobre la pista 32L a las 14:45, se ha ido hacia el Oeste y luego al Sur para aterrizar a las 15:00 aproximadamente y pasar frente a mí a las 15:05.
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Llegando con las últimas luces del día el vuelo LX178 procedente de ZRH. Desde Octubre de 2003 operando para Swiss.
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Tras un día imposible para el spotting debido a las condiciones climatológicas, esta es una de las fotos que mereció la pena emplear más dedicación, el B787 de ANA preparándose para hacer su largo vuelo a Tokyo-NRT.