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Un visitante especial llegando durante las primeras horas de la mañana procedente de Nueva York JFK como "Connie 9584".
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El vuelo XL 1400 procedente de Cuenca (SECU) en final a la pista 36 durante una mañana soleada y un cielo despejado que empezó como un día nublado y helado.
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Vuelo a Barcelona listo para iniciar su rodaje en Roma.
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Y así Tame despedía al único A330 de la flota, listo para despegar a Guayaquil y posteriormente a St. Athan.
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Experimental aircraft designed by Antonov Design Bureau in the development program for airborne early warning aircraft carrier-based scheme for testing the wind. This aircraft never rose into the sky, since the collapse of the Soviet Union was closed the main program.
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Rolled out from Kiev-Svyatoshino plant #573 February 19 1986 as CCCP-780361, with this civilian-like registration with one plus digit. This was the 2nd An-71 prototype, however the 3rd An-71 airframe completed. This type was derived from An-72 civil transport aircraft, as the Soviet AWACS. Only three was built before the program was cancelled. This particular one flew 380 test hours and completed 363 cycles. Last noted September 18 2002 in Kiev, inactive, with 71-03 markings. Beautifully restored since, and visible here in the State Aviation Museum
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Sitting in the National Aviation Museum. Built 1975.
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Decoracion mas que interesante de este mi-24, expuesto en el museo nacional de la fuerza aerea ucraniana. Situado junto a la terminal del aeropuerto regional de Kiev
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Vuelo a Amsterdam en pushback desde la terminal en Roma.
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De camino a la pista de despegue en Roma.
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Listo para empezar con el procedimiento del pushback para iniciar su vuelo de regreso a Barcelona.
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Siendo remolcado desde su parking en Roma.