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Nuevo registro en AC. MSN: 172-64225
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Nuevo registro en AC. MSN: 3046
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Nuevo registro en AC. MSN: 3042
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PSI Air 2007 was a failed project. Interestingly, this aircraft did not carry these titles in 2018. Ex N379DL of Delta Air Lines, originally delivered 6th May 1987.
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Nuevo registro en AC. MSN:20107. Ex Skywest de Australia.
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Nuevo registro en AC. MSN: 5018
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Ex N448BN of Braniff International, N76753 of Continental Airlines and subsequently Express.net Airlines, RP-C8019 of Heavylift Cargo Airlines, and subsequently Majestic Air Cargo since February 2012, being re-registered in August 2012.
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In its history, this aircraft was once EC-GQI of Air Nostrum, and therefore well known to Spanish enthusiasts.
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Preserved in a park on the outskirts of Clark Airport.
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ex VH-FNH de SkyWest de Australia. Entregado a esta aerolinea Filipina el 9 de octubre 2018.Mi primera foto digital de un Fokker 50!