AviationCorner.net - Fotografía aeronáutica - Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack

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Rusia - Fuerza Aérea
Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack (RF-94104)  
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En vuelo (Rusia) 
9 de mayo de 2014
69th anniversary of the Great Victory, the Tu-160 over Moscow on Red Square.
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 Esta foto ha sido vista 8110 veces desde el 24 de mayo de 2014.

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Comentarios (Mostrar también comentarios en inglés)
Chema Gómez

24/05/2014 10:10:12

Simply AWESOME!! One of the most impressive shots I've seen for long time. Congrats and my 5*
Javier Jiménez Hernández

24/05/2014 15:36:33

Внутренний вид летающего монстра.
Inside view of the flying monster.
Privilegiada vista de este monstruo volador.
Miguel Arana

24/05/2014 19:11:14

Wow !!!
Ruben Galindo.

24/05/2014 19:32:26

You are the best¡¡¡¡
Jose M Gutierrez

24/05/2014 19:40:48

Best picture in ages!!! I ran out of words
Montserrat Pin

24/05/2014 19:49:37

Dear Mother of God!!!! What a photo!!!!! CONGRATS!!!
Diego Díaz

24/05/2014 20:17:07

Amazing picture! Congrats! 5*
A greeting!

25/05/2014 00:00:01

Sergio Vázquez - Coruña Spotters

25/05/2014 00:16:40

Simply amazing!!
JF Alemán-GranCanariaSpotters

25/05/2014 00:52:04

Fantastic shot Alex.
Saludos, JF.
Ruben Pablo Nieves

25/05/2014 01:59:18

Exelente Foto! ***** 5 Estrellas *****

25/05/2014 07:35:52

Great shot, great view!
Manuel Acosta Zapata LMDT Spotters

26/05/2014 00:26:41

Nice shoot! 5*****
LEBL Spotter

26/05/2014 08:12:22

wowwwwww very nice pic. 5*
Alex Beltyukov - RuSpotters Team

26/05/2014 09:15:18

Thank you, Friends!!!
Joaquín Bueno Daza -Aire. org / Airbus DS fans group

26/05/2014 11:56:22


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