AviationCorner.net - Fotografía aeronáutica - Avro 594 Avian IIIA

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The Aeroplane Collection
Avro 594 Avian IIIA (G-EBZM)  
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Manchester - Museum of Science & Industry (Reino Unido) 
11 de mayo de 2015
This Avro Avian was rescued from the fire dump at Ringway (Manchester Airport) shortly before it was to be burnt when members of the 'Merseyside Group of Aviation Enthusiasts' (MGAE) at Liverpool realised its historic significance. The Avro Avian, designed by Roy Chadwick, was built by A.V. Roe & Co., at their Newton Heath, Manchester factory. G-EBZM was initially flown during 1928, with its first C of A, number 1546, awarded 3rd August 1928
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