Sent by
Isaac Taramona

Donde comprar el Sigma 50-500mm

 Topic started
7-1-2010 12:49:07

Hola a todos:

Me gustaria saber donde hay alguna tienda en Madrid en la que vendan el Sigma 50-500mm, que como ya comente en otro post me voy a comprar, he mirado en el Fnac y solo tienen hasta el 300mm y no mas, cerca de el, por Sol hay otra tienda en la que tambien he preguntado y tienen el Sigma 150-500mm y ya me han dicho de cogerlo en Pixmania que ahi si que lo tienen, el unico problema es que mis padres no quieren poner datos de la cuenta corriente ni nada en una pagina de internet.

Espero que alguien sepa decirme donde lo puedo comprar.

Un saludo y gracias de antemano.

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Replied by

 Reply #6
7-1-2010 22:28:06

Isaac, leete esto:

Auto focusing issue affects limited number of Sigma telezoom lenses
After thorough investigation, we have ascertained that some APO 50-500mm F4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM, APO 120-400mm F4.5-5.6 DG OS HSM and APO 150-500mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM lenses, produced recently, may have a potential autofocus defect.

This issue could possibly occur in some lenses within the following range of serial numbers.

list of lenses requiring the modification

APO 50-500mm F4.5-6.3 DG OS HSMSerial Number between 10633051 and 10972000.
APO 120-400mm F4.5-5.6 DG OS HSMSerial Number between 10574001 and 10972000.
APO 150-500mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM Serial Number between 10674301 and 10972000.

This is a limited problem that will not occur in any lenses other than those specifically listed above.

Support for this problem

To overcome this issue, we will be offering our customers an inspection and where applicable, a modification service, free of charge. In the case of any autofocus problem becoming apparent on inspection, we will rectify the situation through the help of our local authorized Sigma Service Stations.

We deeply apologize if any inconvenience has been caused to our customers.

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